This week, I want to "Shout from the Mountain Tops." OK, I'll tell you why... I have a friend, CJ, who showed me her new Blog one morning a few months ago. It was then and there that I got this "feeling" that I wanted to try this "Blog" thing myself. And now, 13 weeks into it, I have found that I truly enjoy
One such new friend is Josie B. She has many Blog's and among them are Across The Pond, as well as Go Momma!. Josie B. has now Honored me as a recipient of the "Liebster Blog Award." Hey, she is saying that Slu's World is kinda cool and I'm kinda diggin' that. Thank you so much Josie B. "Wow!!! What a Feeling" this is for me. I'm humbled. And now, I get to "display" the Award on my side-bar and that's pretty cool... (look to your left)
The Liebster Blog Award "rules" to "Pay it Forward" state that I must answer Josie B's 11 probing (Ha!!!) questions, think of 11 questions of my own, and then "Pay it Forward" to 11 (or as many as I can) worthy Bloggers who have fewer than 200 followers... and to that, I say, "Let's do it."
My answers for Josie B's questions:
1. Who are you writing for (besides yourself) when you blog?
I am reminded of the old question: "If a tree fell in the forest and there was nobody there to hear it, would it make a sound?" Besides the enjoyment of writing these blogs, if nobody read them, well, that would certainly
2. Which of your family members (if any) enjoy reading your blog?
That's pretty easy... I "publish" every Friday morning and my "little bride" is at her computer and she is always "1st to read." I usually get a "feel" from her by her laughing, her sniffling, or (yikes!!!) her silence. I will then send out a mass text to all the kids and they trickle in their responses throughout the day(s). My youngest, Shane, usually responds with something like: I need a "bookmark" for your "novel." Ha!!! My sister and cousin read and comment each week and that's pretty awesome.
3. How much information is TMI for you?
Easy: "nadaladaenchilada." Have not gotten there yet.
4. What's the worst "groan" joke you can think of?
Wow!!! Not so easy... I'm not much of a joke guy. So: If a turtle doesn't have a shell, naked or homeless??? What do you call a FISH with no eye? FSH!!! done...
5. What subjects are off limits on your Blog and why?
In my very first Blog, I set some "parameters," if you will, and I stated that I will not talk about Politics. While there is a "forum" for it, I strongly feel that it is just too much of a "Hot Button" topic and while both sides have their "arguments," I have seen too many times when so called "friends" become angry with each other over opposing views and I simply choose not to go there.
6. Have you offended anyone with your Blog... would you care if you did?
Wow!!! If I have, it is unbeknownst to me and therefore, would have to assume that I have not. Would I care? Absolutely. It is never my intention to offend anyone for whatever reason. And if I did somehow, it would bother me until I could get with that individual and at least try to resolve the issue.
7. What did you laugh about today?
Donna and I were watching "Big Brother, After Dark" and there were a few moments that we thought were pretty dang funny... Reality TV: It's a love-hate relationship.
8. When is the last time you cried and why?
Yikes!!! Probably my "Week 8" Blog... Titled "Amazing Grace," I wrote about my Step-Son-In-Law's (Stephen) journey, in a "Cliff Notes" version, of how horribly bad his life had become, and where he, and his heart, is at today. Remembering that whole period and seeing his joy today was pretty emotional.
9. What's the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you?
Ha!!! Another easy one (for me). I wrote in my "Week 3" Blog, titled "Having Fun," of how, at a gathering, I heard what I thought was my "winning" number from my "drawing" ticket, only to walk up to the front of the crowd, about 500 people, and learn that I had the "wrong"
10. Who makes you laugh the most - and why?
![]() |
Just turned 6... In all her "Glory" |
Very tough question. I'm around the "little bride" quite a bit and we can find lots of things to laugh about. My youngest son, Shane, with his antics, makes me laugh.
But probably, my "little munchkin," my grand-daughter, Riley, makes me laugh more than anyone else by just being "Riley." She is absolutely "fearless" and is a "natural born entertainer." (See picture) From her singing and dancing, to her little "Riley-ism's," she seems to always bring a smile to her Papa's mug...
Our "Tobester" |
11. What's the funniest thing you've ever seen?
Very tough question... There are so many movies I could list here. There are so many "munchkin" moments. But one that stands out for me
Ok... I made it and now I'm off of the "Hot Seat." Thank you again Josie B. for this Honor. I sincerely appreciate it. And now, I get to "Pay It Forward" and nominate some Bloggers that I think are worthy of this award. And they are:
1. Brenda: My Tribute to the Beatles
2. Casey: A Dull Roar
3. Joe: Of Christ and Cross
4. Sarah: My (Mostly) Healthy Life
5. Carolyn: Living it up in Bankrupt California
6. Jessica: Note to Self.... "Just Breathe, Live, and Smile..."
7. Lisa: Ramblings From A Cluttered Mind...
8. Marisol: Mari's Notebook
I came up just short, but I like my "short" list...
And if you choose to accept, here are my 11 Questions for you:
1. Exactly what was it that got you interested in "Blogging?"
2. What makes you smile each day?
3. We're all "Flies on the Wall," what is your dirty little secret?
4. How did you meet your significant other?
5. What are your Top 3 movies, all time?
6. How many times do you proofread your Blog before you publish?
7. Rock, Pop, Smooth Jazz, Hip-Hop, Country, R & B, Disco (FAIL), Blues?
8. 5 years... Where are you?
9. How many Blogs do you read each week?
10. Who is the best cook/chef in your family?
11. M & M's... Plain or Peanut?
That's it... Congratulations on winning the "Liebster Award." Your Blog's are amazing. I can't wait to read your answers.
The End: As always, Thank You very much for stopping by in Slu's World and I hope you will check in again next week and see what's going on.
Be safe, be smart, and always smile... It's "Happy Friday"
Congratulations on your award, Slu! Much deserved. It looks great on your sidebar. I BEG of you the permission to use the word "nadaladaenchilada". It's my new favorite and now, I believe, completes my life. Happy Friday!
ReplyDeletethanks very much and congrats to you as well... absolute "permission." i just love that word. Ha!!! take care, slu
DeleteCongratulations, well deserved. Very interesting today, enjoyed your answers. I only read your blog and a couple others, I will check out some that you have listed and see what I can learn. Have a great weekend!!!
ReplyDeleteBig Sis
Thanks Sis... appreciate it. y'all have a great weekend as well.
DeleteCongrats Steve Hemingway Sluder. I always get a kick out of reading reading your blog.
Ha!!! I hope you "always" get a "kick." thanks
Deletethanks for the honor of the award for my Beatles based tribute blog! :) Your responses made me smile you seem like a fun type of guy!
ReplyDeleteThanks... so glad to pass it on. Dig the Beatles!!! Take care, slu
DeleteCongratulations on your award--so well deserved because your blog is always entertaining--loved your answers to the questions!
ReplyDeletethanks so much... i really appreciate it. take care, slu
Deletesooooooo i MUST hear more about Shane and his "hip-hop" dancing! Congrats on your award. We truly enjoy reading your blog every week!
ReplyDeleteha!!! wish you could have been there... a sight to see. thanks, slu
DeleteCongratulations cuz. I know the rewards of placing your feelings down on a piece of paper. I wrote a local weekly newspaper for years. The money I received from the paper, went for scholarships for local seniors. I just enjoyed doing it so much. I never thought of winning The Texas Masonic award for outstanding builder award. I guess that is why I have always tried to encourage you. Although, it does take up a lot of time, it fills something inside you. Keep writing, I love to read your blog.
ReplyDeletehey cuz... your words are inspiring!!! thanks so much. i appreciate it more than you know. take care
DeleteSunday morning, Starbucks coffee, Kolache Factory sticky bun and Slu's World....nice. Congratulations on the recognition from Josie B! Very cool. I too enjoy your writing style and the content of your stories. I also like getting to know you and your family through your blog. I am happy that someone I knew so long ago made a beautiful life for himself and is willing to share it with others. I admire your commitment to your family, and encourage you to continue to enrich us all with stories filled with humor, love, redemtion,and hope. Way to go Stephen.
ReplyDeleteHugs,from Donna S.
DS... I so hope hope you come back for the "reply" as I deeply want you to know how much I sincerely appreciate your kind words and thoughts each week. They mean so much to me. I think our "families" may "mirror" each other to some degree. Thanks so much, Slu
DeleteThanks Slu!!!!
DeleteI finally found a moment to comment! One babe is asleep on my right arm (hence slow index finger-typing.. pls excuse any typos!) - one is crashed out in stroller, and the biggest is being looked after by Curious George! So here I am to let you know your answers are awesome - as always it was a top read - Thank you Slu:) And the award looks fabulous on your sidebar - great contrast in colors! Week 13... not such an unlucky number after all! BTW - #9, how embarrassing!! I'm terrified of playing Bingo in case I make that blunder - and I'm a big blusher which makes it 10 times worse.. question (if I'm allowed just one more;) did you go red??
ReplyDeleteThanks again Slu! All the best from Josie B
Ha!!! Thanks... RED beyond all reason. take care, slu
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